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Don't take my word for it. Here's what other Photographers think of what they discovered on Ted's Kodak Photo CD homepage.


- Dale Olson, D&AI Tech Support, Kodak

Kodak also links this site from here: Kodak Photo CD Discs Technical Information Bulletin. And I have my very own kodak.com link: "http://www.kodak.com/exit/tedfelix".

Calumet Photographic

"Great down to earth information!"
- Calumet Photographic

[A "Featured" Calumet site. -- Ted]

Alnoor and Lost Highlights

"I came across your site on Kodak PhotoCD via photo.net. I shoot fashion for a couple of local agencies and run a small business as a photographer.

My workflow since moving towards digital early this year has been ...

1. Shoot 100ASA - 160ASA 35mm neg film
2. Process negs and produce contact sheet
3. Scan selections to PhotoCD Master disk
4. Open with Photoshop, colour correct and crop and print on Epson 1200

I have been struggling with highlights for a while. For fashion work, skin tone may be exposed a couple of stops above mid-tone to make the skin look flawless, but still needs to hold detail including colour and contouring from make-up. I can limit the highlights using studio lighting to 1 stop, but not always when shooting outdoors.

Click for larger version

I have been blaming Epson drivers, ICC profiles, poor scans, etc. but now I know that it is the [Lost Highlights] problem you identified after trying out the trial version of ThumbsPlus on my troublesome Photo CD scans. What an obvious difference. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Kodak had more than one driver that could be selected to match the image content for Photoshop?

If you communicated your findings to Kodak, I was wondering how they responded? [Kodak ignored me -- Ted]

Thank you for making your findings available."
- Alnoor Meralli of Chiaro Photography

Cindy Tosses Her PCD Player

"I was cleaning out my basement and I found my old Kodak CD Player (Model #250 or 270 according to the book). I didn't take it out of the box.

YOUR Website was the only thing that helped me to decide what to do with it. It was given to me as a present from my brother (who worked at Kodak), circa 1999. To date, it has never been used because I couldn't get my JPEG CD's (off my HP camera) to play on it.

It is going into my trash bin now, and now I can rest easy doing it.

Thank you for your help.

Cindy from Rochester, New York (the home of Kodak)" - 1/5/2007


"...Magnificent job!! Your site is fantastic! I have tried for years to learn 1/50th of what I just learned on your site. THANK YOU!"
- GWork17151

"I have recently found your site and have found it very useful at helping us... with color problems and related issues. Hurrah!

"We started providing Photo CD about 1 year ago to a major company, taking over their internal operations. They are committed to converting a large film library to the PCD format. We have about 1.5 million images to go."
- Theozuks

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