Ted Chain Timeline
- 1976
- Ted starts recording with old cassette deck
- Gary Carter destroys old cassette deck
- Ted starts using cheapo reel-to-reel deck (July?)
- August 1977
- Ted gets Realistic Minisette IV tape recorder
- December 1977
- January 1978
- Ted records a tape full of organ crap
- July 1978
- Leaping Lobster records "Crustacean Wagon"
- Ted and Brian Hershey record double piano concerto
- September 1980
- Ted gets Sears LXI (Sanyo) stereo system
- October 1980
- Ted gets another cheap tape deck from Sears to
replace Minisette IV
- 1980
- Minisette IV breaks (prior to October)
- August 1981
- Ted buys Casio VL-Tone (8/2)
- September 1981
- J.J. Jammer and "Little" Dick Beater meet at M.I. Evel,
HSJD (High School for Juvenile Delinquents).
- January 1982
- Ted Team records and releases "Premier" (?)
- April 1982
- First issue of Blue Boo Boo music magazine printed.
- May 1982
- Blue Boo Boo music magazine #2 printed.
- June 1982
- Blue Boo Boo music magazine #3 printed.
- September 1982
- Blue Boo Boo music magazine #4 unfinished.
- Ted starts High School at Our Lady of Good Counsel
in Wheaton, MD.
- February 1983
- J.J. Jammer is kicked out of music class after
composing "Chaos in E flat Minor"
- July 1983
- Ted Team performs at Capitol Center. J.J. Jammer and
"Little" Dick Beater are present.
- August 1983
- JJJammers formed. J.J. Jammer on Guitar, Vocals,
Organ. "Little" Dick Beater on Drums, Vocals, Synth.
- Jammers release "The Original"
- Ted Team releases "Ballot of the 7 Flumes"
- September 1983
- Jammers release "Hey J.J." single.
- October 1983
- Bath Key Bangers release "Boom Boom BAM"
- Ted Team releases "Bar-b-q" and "Barbeque Now"
- Ted Possessed by spirit of Al Buttt.
- November 1983
- Jammers release Vol I and Vol II.
- December 1983
- J.J. has his guitar confiscated by school officials
after performing "Excommunicated", an original
composition, during the M.I.Evel school's Christmas Concert.
- Ted and J.J. sneak into M.I.Evel school the night
before the Butt Festival and repossess his guitar.
- Butt Festival '83
- Buttocks III formed. Ted on everything. J.J. Jammer
on Lead Guitar. "Little" Dick Beater on Drums.
- JJJammers release single "Interstellar Distress" with
special guest Telly Savalis on Lead Hairdryer.
- January 1984
- Buttocks' Butt Session cancelled.
- Jammers LP "Beater's Bolero" mysteriously destroyed.
- February 1984
- Buttocks' Anal Connection
- March 1984
- Jammers release "Black Sabbath" and "Soundtrack to Hell"
- "Little" Dick Beater kicked out of Buttocks
- April 1984
- Trashed Davenport with J.J. Jammer on Bass release
"Meshing of Garbage".
- Dick Beaters formed.
- May 1984
- Trashed Davenport dies in encounter with Hacksaw Incision.
- Vomit formed with J.J. Jammer on Guitar, Rudy on Sax,
Telly Savalis on Lead Hairdryer, Jack Anus on Rhythm,
and Monica Egghead as Mascot.
- June 1984
- Vomit releases "Adventure Inside the Dryer".
- Buttocks II release "Adventure on Uranus".
- July 1984
- Buttocks II release "Flying Feces on the Fourth".
- Dick Beaters fold.
- August 1984
- Dick Beater dies in New Jersey under mysterious circumstances.
- Buttocks IV "Red Rectum" with Scott Bath Key on Bass,
Bryan Frizzbrain on Drums, Ted and J.J..
- Jammers release "Narrow Escape".
- Scott Bath Key forms "Hack Band".
- September 1984
- Jammers release "Greatest Hits" and "Before the Original".
- October 1984
- John Slut of "40% More" replaces Bryan
Frizzbrain as drummer for the Buttocks.
- John Slut kicked out of Buttocks after
trying to sneak in "40% More" guitarist William "Fingerless"
- Ted Team releases "Hollow Ween".
- November 1984
- Buttocks II, "Fall on Uranus", "Orbiting Uranus".
- December 1984
- Butt Festival featuring Buttocks III reunion. "Little" Dick
Beater reappears and desecrates stage.
- January 1985
- Sudden Urgence release Volumes I and II.
- February 1985
- Iron Fruit Fly release "Iron Fruit Fly Volume I"
- Sudden Urgence Volume III released.
- April 1985
- Buttocks II, "Butt Session" recorded.
- September 1985
- J.J. Jammer ships off to Trashman U.
- December 1985
- Butt Festival featuring Buttocks II.
- January 1986
- Bad Display formed with Ted on Guitar, Paul
Daigle on Keyboards and Dick Shaver on Drums.
- April 1986
- Displaced Aggression records first album.
- J.J. Jammer and other members of Copper Head are
arrested after Jake the Snake, their mascot,
escapes during a concert and bites seven audience members.
- May 1986
- Ted plays Guitar with Displaced Aggression at Good Counsel's
Battle of the Bands.
- September 1986
- Ted starts College at St. Mary's College of Maryland where
he meets Keith Richmond at the College Radio Station WSMC.
- Ted Team Studios, SMC is born.
- Crass Idiocy formed.
- October 1986
- Crass Idiocy releases "Cockroach Castration".
- January 1987
- Flailing Five's infamous "Disco Demolition"
Concert. Any audience member bringing a disco
tape/record/cd is admitted free, and all materials
are burned in a giant bonfire during the encore
"Saturday Night Fever Medley". Vocalist Urban Shocker
is electrocuted when the arena's sprinkler system comes
on during the fire.
- May 1987
- "Best of the Buttocks" compiled by Ted.
- September 1987
- Tom Moran transfers to SMC from Anne Arundel Community
College. Lives off-campus with some drunk woman in St.
- Darrin Danner arrives at SMC
- J.J. Jammer re-forms the JJJammers under the name
"The Jammers II".
- Drunk woman vomits in Tom Moran's washer and uses his
bathroom to clean herself.
- October 1987
- Tom Moran moves onto Ted's hall at SMC to escape
drunk woman.
- November 1987
- Tasteless Choice performs at S.M.C.
- First live performance of Last Supper's "Burn in Hell" by
Tasteless Choice.
- 1987
- Last Supper formed (January-May 1987)
- Dick Shaver records drum tracks for Last Supper (Summer '87?)
- Anarchist Women formed (September-November 1987)
- Glacier (Fall 1987)
- January 1988
- Ted Team Studios SMC moves into Sean Dawson's corner
dorm room on PG 1st left.
- February 1988
- Anarchist Women record second demo.
- March 1988
- Ted finishes recording the Boyz first demo. (September-December?)
- J.J. Jammer drops out of Trashman U..
- April 1988
- Classical Ugandan Music ties for 3rd place at St. Mary's
College of Maryland's Battle of the Bands.
- September 1988
- The Apathetics arrive at SMC, Keith joins up as drummer
- Ted gets suspended for a year from the SMC campus radio
station (WSMC) for repairing it.
- Ted gets job as sound man for SMC.
- October 1988
- The Apathetics record Desert Snow at Ted Team Studios S.M.C.
- Ted Team releases "Hollow Ween '88"
- November 1988
- XYZ begins recording at Ted Team Studios SMC
- December 1988
- Rob Barlowe bugs the hell out of Ted to get Ted to record
more XYZ songs. Ted throws him out of the studio.
- Ted begins solo effort under the working name "Ted On It All"
after purchasing a new drum machine.
- 1988
- After the break up of Anarchist Women, Ted forms a pop-metal
group called "The Guise."
- Anarchist Women break up due to argument between Keith and
Max (Spring 1988).
- Boyz break up after lead vocalist gets married and cuts
hair. With new vocalist the group becomes "Dinosaurs Attack!"
- September 1989
- Ted moves into apartment with Tom Moran, Ted Team Studios,
St. Inigoes is born.
- October 1989
- Absolute Value begins recording "I Can't Dance to Any of
- Ted Team releases "Hollow Ween '89"
- December 1989
- Ted finishes work on Absolute Value's album
- Ted and Tom's Christmas released.
- February 1990
- Natural Log formed. First two albums, "Sides 1 and 2" and
"Log Jams 3, 4, and 5" recorded and released.
- April 1990
- Absolute Value and Big Toe perform live at S.M.C's Open
Mic Night. Performance is recorded by Ted.
- June 1990
- Ted Team Studios, Montgomery Village is born.
- Ted makes the mistake of purchasing an Ensoniq EPS keyboard.
- October 1990
- Ted Team releases "Hollow Ween '90"
- November 1990
- Depression Era formed. Ted records first demo.
- Ted Team Studios Montgomery Village moves from
apt #713 to apt #607 due to water leakage which
damages several TFA stacks and keeps Ted up all
- July 1991
- Natural Log reunion. Recorded and released "Natural Clog!".
- August 1991
- Rancid Oatmeal formed. Records their first album "Mold In
My Blastopore".
- December 1991
- Ted and Tom's Christmas '91 released.
- June 1994
- Archdiocese begins recording Christmas Album.
- December 1994
- "Archdiocese Christmas" released.
- March 1995
- Uranus Rising begins recording "To Be A Butt."
- November 1995
- Uranus Rising completes "To Be A Butt."
- December 1995
- The Battle of the Buttocks is held, and many audience
casualties occur when the Butt Palace caves in.
- April 1996
- Ted finds J.J. Jammer on the 'Net and the two begin
collaborating on new Ted Chain Web content.
- November 1996
- Darrin Danner helps break ground, actually "break hearth",
on the planned Ted Team Studios, Adamstown.
- Alasdair and Ted begin work on Alasdair's songs "Less Than
Perfect", and "Oh, Carolyn", working group name, "The Car Parks".
- January 1997
- Ted finishes masters of The Car Parks' first demo.
- February 1997
- Construction begins on Ted Team Studios, Adamstown.
- Construction completed.
- March 1997
- Ted moves Ted Team Studios to its new location in
Adamstown. Ted Team Studios, Adamstown is born.
- May 1997
- Alasdair airs CarParks and Archdiocese on The University of
York's radio station URY (5/9).
- Party at Ted Team Studios, Adamstown to celebrate new studio (5/18).
Copyright ©1996, The Ted Chain