Rosegarden MIDI Sequencer: website | wiki | sourceforge | github
Ted's Linux MIDI Guide - Setting up Linux for music production.
acpid2 - I'm the current maintainer for the acpid version 2.
Setting Up a Private Git Server - When github isn't private enough.
Git Conflict Resolution - How to resolve conflicts with the various git commands.
Ted's Linux Kernel Build HOWTO - My notes on how to build the kernel.
Using the Hauppauge USB-Live2 with Linux - Finally managed to capture the old VHS tapes with this.
QBASIC Programming for Kids - My QBASIC book. Written in simplified English. Very popular with non-native speakers as well as kids.
Object Oriented Design: The Controller Pattern
Callbacks in C++ - Experiments with various approaches to implementing this common pattern.
Linux - Archive of old Linux info.
Open Source - Open Source software that I've found useful.
Books? I can recommend 3:
Sprites Tutorial - My Sprites in QBASIC tutorial.
Computer Science for Kids - Resources for kids to learn programming.
Kids Computer Book Collection - Books I've collected.
SupaSoft - My software "company".
Simula - Collection of links related to Simula, the first object oriented language.
What Compsci textbooks don't tell you: Real world code sucks by David Mandi - A great article on The Register.
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